Friday, October 19, 2007

SPC breakfast

Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie
I really love cereal. And I love my new camera remote. Here's a of one taken with the other.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Assignment #2

The idea was to somehow put images and sound together. After taking what seemed like three thousand photos of everything around me over the weekend (like one after another of my friends eating burgers and Dairy Queen) thinking that eventually SOMETHING would come of it, I ended up going back to my favorite subject--- Henry. We walked home from downtown, me following him with my camera at bup level the whole way. It was a fun little experiment and my first try at doing a little video like this. Here's what I came up with (click it twice to go to full screen):

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ugly, Shocking, Bizarre

Assignment #1

I was recently thinking about how I used to love photography. My camera was with me always, and I took photos I cared about. Lately it's all just been photos of my niece and nephew, my dog, and my friends doing nothing interesting in particular. These are all things that need photos, definitely photo-worthy subjects, but I decided I need to get back in to using it as my creative outlet. So I signed up for a class at the Newspace Center for Photography called Ugly, Shocking, Bizarre in attempt to get my excited about photography again.

The first assignment was to be completed for a critique before the first class:

You are leaving earth on a rocket ship when we meet for our first class -- and you can only take 5 photographs with you that you shoot between now and then -- nothing else -- no other photographs, no other objects - -nothing else to have to remember your life on earth. What will you photograph?! Bring those 5 photos to the first class. Again, remember, they have to be shot between now and when the rocket ship leaves when we meet for our first class!!

I can't say I'm terribly excited about any of the photos, but it was a fun experiment. Here's what I came up with:

Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie
Because I love breakfast. More than anything, I really really really love cereal.

Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie

I started thinking about this assignment in terms of leaving the comforts of home as well, as if maybe... I was leaving for Africa for 27 months. There will be no bubble baths in Africa. So here's me and bubbles.

Red Boots
Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie

I love my red boots.

Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie

Coffee in the hands of one of my favorite people on this planet

Puppy Nap
Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie

There is nothing finer than a puppy nap.

Friends and Wine
Originally uploaded by Sparky Sadie

Good food, wine and snacks